Sunday, March 27, 2011


I've applied for the annual leave to come over to the States, applied for a new passport and just purchased some new luggage. I'd say the plans are a GO

Am I a little excited? HELL yeah

Days and weeks are moving so fast and soon it will be time to get on that jet airplane and fly for some 15 hours if I can get a direct flight or some 18 to 27 hours if I end up with some stop overs!

I am also looking to get a tattoo for the very first time. Have been trawling the web for inspiration, I would really like a dragonfly, either on my wrist or my foot. Maybe some flowers that symbolise the 10 gifts that have been given to us by a very special family. This is such a turning point on our lives. One that I was unsure was ever going to happen.

So I am just trying to make sure I stay as healthy as possible, loose some excess, and keep the dream alive.

Mum's back in hospital, hopefully she will be home soon, and home in time for Mandy's wedding next Saturday, fingers crossed.

Work has been fantastic, really loving it at the moment.

Life is good.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

My neices hens night took place last night and lots of fun was had.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011


Gosh I can't believe its been soo long since I last posted.

So I have been working away at getting our shit together for the US trip, can't believe it be that long before we will be there. I can visualise travelling to the airport and boarding that flight to LA. I have been madly trying to find a hotel that I like, not too expensive but also not to drab, especially since we will be there for a while. I don't know if I want beach or closer to LA itself. Decisions decisions.

Mum went and had the screws removed from her ankle on Friday just gone, it took 2 days before they would let me take her home, had to get the hospital at home sorted for her blood clots and dressings, but finally she was back home. She isn't happy about having to wear the 'boot' for another 2 weeks but what must be must be.

We have had some friends split which is sad and hard to understand. I don't know about others but we have been married for 18 years now and I don't know if I would say I was 'in love' however I couldn't imagine my life without 'the husband', maybe I am in love, but that is the reason for the split of the friends, there as been no fighting or anything but she isn't in love any more. They have a daughter who has just started high school, loves both of her parents to death, she is devastated of course, so is the husband, he can't see what has happened, which is really sad.
What about you, especially the guys that have been married for many years, could you say that you are still in love or that you love your partner with all your heart and couldn't imagine your life without them like I do? I don't know if I just think that its a cop out.

So 'the husband' has been back at work for the past 3 weeks, let me just say, I am HAPPY about that. He makes more in 1 week than I do in a fortnight even when I do overtime. I have been out buying some new clothes that I feel great and if I do say so myself, I think I look fantastic. Especially since I have brought clothes that actually fit and no worrying about the number on the tag (size wise I mean).

So soon the airline tickets will be brought, hotel chosen and paid, hire car selected, passports delivered, Visa obtained and international drivers license applied for. OMG, I just can't wait. I might even get the opportunity to meet our donor in r.e.a.l. l.i.f.e.