Sunday, July 25, 2010


Ok, so the Durkan was a bit of a mishap for me. To restrictive but was great for losing a couple of kilos fast.

I have pulled back out my trusty book that I made up when Kek was helping me, actually scratch that, she's always helping :) thanks Kek.
Of course everything I have in the trusty little booklet makes absolute sense.

Its like that health insurance ad, 'Keep It Simple Stupid'.

So along with my treadmill and my trusty book, I should and will be set for life.

Did I tell you I'm going to America, the land of the Up Size of EVERYTHING. Well when I get there I want to be DOWNSIZED please, especially flying over there with those tiny bloody seats in the aeroplane! Its quoted to have "81cm (32 inches) of lovely legroom and a 15cm (6 inch) recline" but no one tells you how much bum room you get???

oops I just found it in the FAQ's seat size "Width 48 cm or 18.9 inches"

So please cheer for me and help me get my butt to fit comfortably in an aeroplane seat.


Kristy said...

You can do it Sue. Did you have a look at the Changing Habits, CHanging Lives website? I am making small changes this week with the aim of starting the 21 days next Monday...

Kristy said...

Hey Sue I think I have 16 solar panels on my roof, but I don't know a lot about them. I know I am getting about $90 credit a quarter during winter. Hope this helps :)