Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Working working working

That's all I seem to do lately. I'll be really happy come pay day though.

I've been thinking about what I can blog about so thought I would blog about a story my mother told me last time and put together some info that will make you understand what's going on and why I would be worried.

So back in December 2009, a day before my birthday my dad called to say, you better go to the hospital, your mothers sick. Off I trot to the hospital not expecting to much cause mum gets sick quiet often but she doesn't let anything hold her down. Currently her illness's are: rheumatism arthritis, she's had this since she was about 13, heart disease, she has had a couple of heart attacks, kidney disease, function has been as low as 13%, a blood disorder I can't remember the name of and scoliosis. Now where was I? OK, so I trot down to the hospital, Mr A is there, now remember I told you already he is a little slow, well, she is talking a bit but a little vague. They are trying to keep her blood pressure up, after 3 bags it continues to drop. I am then told by the doctor "is there any family that live far away?" my response, "what/why?", they tell me, "well we can't keep her blood pressure up, you may want to call in the family". I can't get my head around what she is saying. All I have with me is my nephew who doesn't understand. I pull the doctor away saying "are you saying what I think you are saying but I can't say it?" They advise that is correct. I rush out and call the family and they call converge on the hospital.

Its touch and go for a while, mum was moved to intensive care where she became really old very quickly. I couldn't believe my eyes or ears as to what she was mumbling, still it was touch and go for a while. She was moved after a week to a ward but within 24 hours she was back in intensive care. Another week later, she was moved again, this time around a few different wards. She was able to get a 8 hour pass from the hospital to come to my place for Christmas day but was to be back that the hospital to undergo more intravenous antibiotics. I had to hold her hand while they drained her lung of fluid in her room, I went to see her every day, some times all day.

This independent women was basically chained to a bed for at least 4 weeks. The illness was Bacteraemia also sometimes called septicaemia. She almost died. My best friend. They still don't know how she got ill, they believe it may have been a urine infection that only effected her for a day and then went away, into her bloodstream. They can't kill it and she is still being tested for it, it morphs into another infection and the antibiotics stop working and they need to be changed.

This week she started to get sick again, she went to the doctors, her white blood cells are up, there is an infection again. They don't know what it is again. She has bronchitis, now she is coughing up blood. The doctor put this out there. "it could be that you have broken a blood vessel and that's why its bleeding, if it doesn't stop after a week, come back, you may have lung cancer" That's it. Mum wants to put it out of her mind. I want to kill the doctor. How do you put that out there and not send someone for a test, chest x-ray, something? I think it will be OK because she has had allot of chest x-rays since the illness in December, I would have thought a cancer would have shown up on one of the x-rays. I will be working on her this week end, to try and get her to go to the hospital.

So there, that's my second for the day and I hope you understand why I'm worried about my Mum.


Kristy said...

I hope everything is ok Sue

Polar's Mom said...

I'll cross my fingers for you. I'm sorry this is happening. Idiot doctor, I guess she didn't learn bedside manner in med school. Hugs to you.

Polar's Mom