Tonight I had to take back a sports bra as I had brought the wrong size? It appears that it has already started................ the shrinkage factor. Its not fair, its too soon. Its one of the reasons I didn't mind putting on weight, the bustier me.
One the way home we decided to by food for dinner, I had been feeling like pasta and of course Dazza wanted his fav 'pizza'. so I'm sitting here now with my jean button undone typing this post. Its all bad news now. Although it was really yummy was it worth it. Hell yes :P
I've looked at the aerobic timetable and think Body Pump may be the order of the day however it does start at 8.30am, it might be a bit of an ask. After all it will be the first time in a while Dazza and I will be in bed at the same time, a novel idea.

I also will have my great niece and mother over tomorrow, Keira my great niece gives me a run for my money so that is a workout alone. Its little Miss Keira's birthday on Monday, the big 3. Its the first birthday that I won't be at so that's a bit sad, I am working

my 1-9pm so will have to make up for it tomorrow. I will also have to get a 3 year old photo, I have attached her 1st birthday and 2nd birthday photo's, obviously with her 2nd birthday photo, she got into food before the photo's started so not the cleanest little girl.
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