Wednesday, July 25, 2007

so sick of.......

Today/tonight I came to a realisation about something. After telling Livy she was doing a great job cutting out her coffee and saying I wouldn't be without it, I think I will have to try and cut back. You see I feel like my teeth are always stained. I don't smoke so its not for that, I don't drink tea often so not that, it can only be the coffee. So I think that I will have coffee in the morning before work and before brushing of the teeth and only after I return home at night, that way they will be brushed before bed removing any staining that same night. It will be hard but I think in the end cheaper than going to the dentist for whitening.

I think I did well this week so far with the gym, on Monday I did lower body and I have decided that I have been a pussy about the weights that I am using so increased it a bit, by Tuesday I could feel the muscles. Tuesday night was cardio, treadmill on incline, by Tuesday bed time, I was ceasing up if I sat for too long. Today being Wednesday it was upper body, and if I wimp anywhere it is the upper body weights, I am so weak in the upper body. Tonight however I think I might have made a slight improvement. I continued to fatigue. Yay is me, except tomorrow I will probably be crying when I can't lift my arm over my head :( but the little birdie tells me 'when you break it, it gets bigger and stronger' something I had forgotten until reading it again on Livy's page, some wise lady once told us................

So I went to the supermarket once again tonight and brought my special nightie nite pills, I've taken 2 and am just waiting for them to kick in. I will read a few blogs before that happens.


Sienna said...

I hear ya babe. I did my first upper body yesterday, but I don't feel alot of soreness. If I move my arms this way or that, it does hurt, however I am not in a constant aching pain. However, I am only doing 2 sets on week one, to get me a little used to it and organized.
I guess they say no pain no gain. I hope you got some sleep!

Kek said...

I was over your way today - had to go pick up brick samples from the Austral Bricks plant. I should have called to see if you were home. Could have had a coffee with you. Oh, that's right, you're cutting down....well, you could have made ME one anyway.
